“Known for his global chart-topping hits Last Last and It’s Plenty, the Nigerian star will bring his energy and signature soulful vibes of afro beats to millions of fans before the biggest club fixture in football gets underway.”
UEFA revealed this in a statement on its platform on Thursday, saying the Grammy’s award-winner singer will co-headline the competition’s final kick-off show by Pepsi, at the Atatürk Olympic Stadium in Istanbul on Saturday, June 10.
“Known for his global chart-topping hits Last Last and It’s Plenty, the Nigerian star will bring his energy and signature soulful vibes of afro beats to millions of fans before the biggest club fixture in football gets underway,” UEFA wrote on its website Thursday.
“The UEFA Champions League Final Kick-Off Show is a significant part of our joint efforts with Pepsi, providing an incredible opportunity to reach new and younger audiences with some of the biggest names and rising stars in music,” UEFA Marketing Director Guy-Laurent Epstein said.
“We’re excited to showcase a line-up of talented artists at this season’s final in Istanbul in what is sure to be an energetic and memorable performance.”